When asked by Oak Park Brewing to join in the “Peoples” Harvest Time Jubilee by partnering with a home brewer to create a beer to celebrate our industry’s efforts to create a more welcoming experience by ways of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, the easy choice was to call our P.I.C (Partner in Crime), Stan. This individual is always there to help grain out, make a sales call or just talk hops. We pride ourselves on filling a table with great food, tasty libations and good friends and no one makes you feel more welcomed than him. This India Cream ale is a creation of Stan’s made to be lower abv than a traditional IPA but more hop-forward than a Cream Ale. The use of a “juicy” yeast strain (WLP067), Hallertau Blanc and L’Orien hops mean this beer is big on the juicy fruit but easy on the senses.
Partner In Crime (P.I.C)
India Cream Ale (ICA)
ABV : 5.6
IBU : 23
OG : 1.052
Tasting Notes: Creamy Malt body – Mild Spice – Soft Fruit bitterness – Wine-Like Floral Aromas